Looking for UK based Android tablet or phone
users as alpha/beta testers

The purpose of this game is to win by moving from the centre of the board to the outside.

This is achieved by selecting a subject ball and answering the asked question within the allowed time. Currently that time is set to 20 secs. Part of this alpha test is to see whether that length will prevent using google or whether to reduce it to 15sec.

If the player answers correctly, the player's token moves to the next square and the player is required to swap any ball of the correctly answered question type for any red ball on the board.

If the player answers incorrectly, the player's token does not move to the next square and the next player is required to swap the incorrectly answered question ball with any red ball on the board.

In both cases, there are some limitations to which balls can be swapped but these are clearly indicated.

If, after answering correctly, the player moves to a square which is bounded by a ball of the same subject, the player must play again.

The game is both about knowledge and strategy because the layout of the board changes on every move.

The subject categories are Music, Sport, TV and Films, Science and Nature, Geography, History, Art and Literature, General Knowledge.

Alpha version limitations:

Only a limited number of questions.
Next alpha (April 2014) will allow playing remotely via the net.
Does not yet allow playing locally via Bluetooth.

The size of the board is limited to a maximum 17x17 grid (much larger will be possible in future versions.

One default game is included.

An internet connection is required to download further games.

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Copyright 1997- Stuart McKears. All rights reserved.
Software Copyright 1980- Stuart McKears. All rights reserved.